Let’s hear it for deadlines! It’s the only way I get anything done around here. But then, you already knew that about me, didn’t you?
Today the new schedule comes out for classes at Quilter’s Dream, where I work. So it was time for me to come up with a new quilt. Since life’s been a bit complicated lately, I decided to go for a simple quilt. One that could be made quickly in my busy schedule.
I chose some pretty batik fabrics. Even fabric selection was simple since the pattern only required four. Another plus in my busy life.
The pattern came from the book, Favorite Quilts, by Fons & Porter. With a little pile of sashing strips.
Garden Window. Even the name makes me want to create the quilt.
I knew I was going to need a little fortification (aka caffeine) to get me through the whole day of sewing. Since I’d waited until the last minute and the deadline was looming. So I made a whole pot. I may never sleep again. And I thought the cool snowflakes on the cup would make me forget it was still 100° outside. Wishful thinking.
Boo wanted to help. He’s such a helpful cat. Or perhaps I’m confusing help with getting in the way?
Maybe he just wanted my coffee. I can’t turn my head for one second or he drinks right out of my cup. A coffee loving cat. That’s Boo!
He tried to distract me and divert my attention. Look, Ma! Over here! See how he’s pointing the other way from the coffee cup?
Then he decided to really get into the sewing. He was quite focused on the work.
Soon he was all wrapped up in half square triangles. So he gave up and just went to sleep.
Isn’t he cute when he’s sleeping? It’s a good thing he likes to sleep or I wouldn’t get a thing done on my project.
We clip dog ears off our half square triangles at my house. No dog ears here! After all, we are a cat family.
Chain piecing rocks when you’re in a hurry. Or when you have a deadline. That’s looming.
And Boo continued to nap. Good for Boo.
The quilt top is coming together. Sashing strips added to one side of each block.
Ta da! OK, so it’s only half a quilt. But at least it’s half! And later this week when I finish the bottom half and add the borders, I’ll get a picture with better lighting. What do you expect at 3:00 in the morning anyway?
Please disregard all the extra stuff in the picture above. My design wall is a work in progress. With lots of progress happening on it. In my dreams.
I have a very good excuse for only getting half done. And pictures too. Perhaps when I become a real blogger again, I’ll share them with you. I know you want to see them.
Deadlines. Gotta love ’em!