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My Already Done List

Well, you can’t call it a To Do list if the items are already crossed off, right?  And I’ve been a busy girl.

I attribute some of that to the fact that Dear Hubby is leaving Canada and coming back home.  And I am so, so, so very happy about that.  My friend Susan says I’m nesting for his return.  She just might be right.  That and Spring Cleaning have struck me with a vengeance.

So here’s a list of a few of the things that have consumed me lately.

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My Already Done List (1)

1.  Downton Abbey.  Not exactly a To Do List item.  But definitely falls into the category of things that have consumed my time.  Did you watch?  Oh, my.  I don’t know when I’ve been so engrossed in a TV show.  I won’t give away anything in case you haven’t watched.  I’d have to do a big spoiler alert.  But can you believe that ending?  I may never recover.  Well, maybe I will.  Since we have to wait forever before it’s on again.  Really?  Do they have to cram it all together so much and then make us wait so long?  I protest.  But I probably have plenty of time to recover.

2.  I emptied and cleaned out a whole cupboard in my kitchen.  I’ve had lots of energy lately.  And I think I’m trying to cram everything I intended to do over the year Dear Hubby was gone into the last 3 days.

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My Already Done List (2)

I was so caught up in the organizing that I forgot to take a before picture.  This one was during.

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My Already Done List (3)

Here’s after.  Now I go into the kitchen multiple times a day and open this cupboard just to look inside.  I love an organized cupboard.

3.  Bought a cat tree.  Which means I have been taking pictures of the cats as they investigate it.  Yes, you heard me.  Cats, plural.  Boo has a new friend.  And as soon as I finish sorting the 3,428 pics I’ve taken of her/them, I’ll do a whole post about her.

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My Already Done List (4)

It looked much bigger at the store.  Boo sort of has to hang over.  But he does lay on it occasionally.

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My Already Done List (5)

But Panda has definitely taken over the tree.  As well as every one of Boo’s favorite napping spots.  I will tell Panda’s story one day soon.  And show you lots more pics.  Because I’ve got a gazillion of them.  And you need to see them all.

4.  Inklingo Mystery.  I totally meant to blog about each clue in this mystery.  I know I told you about the first clue and picking out my fabric.  Well, tomorrow Clue #4 will be posted and do you believe it?  I’m already behind.  I know you’re surprised.

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My Already Done List (6)

I have never cut so many tiny pieces of fabric in 2 days in my entire life.  With curved edges no less.  But thanks to the amazing video posted by Linda, I was able to do a big chunk of those curves with my rotary cutter.

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My Already Done List (7)

See?  Lots of little chunks.  And with this project I have successfully exorcised the perfectionist in me that has always made me cut precisely on every single line.  It is so unnecessary if I am hand piecing and I have beautiful stitching lines.  Thanks to Inklingo, I have those.  And I am finally caught up on the cutting.  My rotary cutting hand may fall off at any moment.

My normal mode with quilting with Inklingo is to print a little, cut a little, sew a little, repeat.  I get bored doing too much of one thing.  So this mystery has challenged me in many ways!  But I’m happy to have left behind that perfectionist gal.  She was getting a bit annoying.

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My Already Done List (8)

But I only have 6 units stitched of the 72 of these units that we need.  At this rate I figure I’ll be ready for Clue #4 by Christmas.  Maybe if I stay up late enough tonight I can move that to Thanksgiving.  And I think I need a bigger box.

By the way, it’s worth it to read every post on the Inklingo blog just to see Monkey in his red snowsuit making snow angels!

5.  Feathered Star sample for new class schedule.  I made this one totally by machine.  Not exactly my favorite way to piece when precision is important, but Inklingo made it super simple.

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My Already Done List (9)

And with Linda’s fabulous step-by-step instructions included in the Feathered Star Design Book that comes with the collection, I had this quilt top done in less than 3 days.  And I had a ball doing it.  I would definitely do it again.

6.  Cooking.  Been doing lots of cooking lately.  Loving my Baked Oatmeal for breakfast each day.  And today I was back to Pinto Bean Waffles.  Another favorite I hadn’t had in awhile.

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My Already Done List (10)

My breakfast the other day.  Chocolate Baked Oatmeal with strawberries on it.  Yum.  Aren’t you hungry now?

7.  Organizing piles.  Oh, my.  They had been accumulating again.  So much paperwork to go through.

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My Already Done List (11)

Do you have this kind of stuff?  Please say yes and that I’m not the only one.  I am, however, happy to report that the piles are under control once again.  I feel very organized.  Must be that nesting.

I still have a To Do List.  But it is getting shorter all the time.  I just love crossing things off.  Such a nice feeling of accomplishment.

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One last pic of Panda.  Isn’t she just the cutest thing?  Many more pics of her to come.  She’s very photogenic.

Happy Organizing,

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